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Sabtu, 10 September 2011

DEBT FINANCING. U.S. may end up with taxes on some profits abroad: WSJ

CHICAGO (Reuters)-the treasure is weighing a proposal to eliminate some but not all, of taxes on overseas profits of US companies, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday, citing two people familiar with the deliberations.
Eliminate taxes on some of the profits is a central element of broader plans of the Obama administration to review the corporate tax code, said the newspaper.
Business long have complained that the tax system overseas profits hits companies companies that often have already paid American were taxed in countries where the profits were conquered.
The details of the plan, including what profits would be excluded from taxation, could not be learned, told the newspaper.
A spokesman for the Treasury Department refused to comment on the newspaper, saying that no final decision has been made.
Reuters could not reach immediately a spokesman on the Treasury.
(Reports by Brad Dorfman, edited by Sandra Maler)

DEBT FINANCING. Germany advances Vice Finance Minister to go to the ECB

Marseille, France (Reuters)-Germany proposed Vice Finance Minister Joerg Asmussen to replace Juergen Stark on the Executive Council of the European Central Bank, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Saturday.
Stark, the upper German at the ECB, announced on Friday he would quit at the beginning of what sources said was a protest against the policy of the ECB of purchasing obligations to help troubled debtor States of the eurozone.
"The German Government has said the Eurogroup head Juncker that proposes Asmussen to succeed Juergen Stark," Schaeuble told a press conference at the Group of eight lectures on the French port of Marseille, with Asmussen standing alongside.
Sources told Reuters on Friday that Asmussen could be called to replace Stark-whose resignation revealed a deep division within the ECB about its activities purchase securities-a choice that seemed set to meet little opposition.
Jean-Claude Juncker, who chairs the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, said Asmussen would be an excellent choice for the Governing Council.
"The euro cannot be saved by a single person, but it would undoubtedly be the right person," Juncker told reporters in Marseille.
Asmussen, who has been a key figure in Germany's policy response to the debt crisis of the euro zone, said he was ready to accept the challenged the guarantee of economic stability in the euro area.
Asked if he had been caught by surprise by the decision of Stark, Schaeuble said: "we were not surprised by his decision. But unfortunately because of the independence of the ECB our attempts to dissuade him have failed. "
G8 Finance officials met a day after the Group of seven finance chiefs in Marseille promised a coordinated response to the global economic recovery is faltering but offered few specifics to calm financial markets unstable.
A respected economist, who studied with former Bundesbank Chief Axel Weber, Asmussen quickly changed in the career of the German Ministry of finance, moving from consultant Jr. in 1996 to Deputy Minister of finance just 12 years later.
Asmussen is a Social Democrat, but was retained by the Conservatives of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, after the last federal election due to the experience that he had won in the fight against the financial crisis.
Bert Ruerup, former head of the Council, ' wisemen ' of the German Government's economic advisers said to Reuters Asmussen would be more pragmatic than Stark.
A source for euro-zone central bank, said on Friday that Stark was angry pass when Weber leaves the German central bank earlier this year, also clearly unhappy with the program purchase securities of the ECB.
The ECB has faced strong criticism in Germany for the purchase of bonds--a move that many see as having the tax arena and threatening Bank in its role as the core of the fight against inflation.
(Additional reporting by Robin Emmott; Written by Mike Peacock)

DEBT FINANCING. More volatility stocks

NEW YORK (Reuters)-investors will handle more turbulence surrounding the problems Europe's deepening debt next week and the prospect of another round of gloomy data about the faltering u.s. economy.
More volatility is almost guaranteed after exiting the high-ranking German on European Central Bank and rumors circulated throughout global markets that Greece will default this weekend. Greece, later called market speculation the rumor designed to hurt the euro.
Recent business models and market activity options also suggest coaster ride August will keep pace throughout September.
The sudden resignation of Juergen Stark of the ECB on Friday came after a conflict over the Bank's policy to buy government bonds to fight crisis of eurozone debt, raising questions about a program that has been a stabilizing key market in recent months.
"You can tie our stock market directly to European banks-the problem they have is the exhibition of sovereign debt," said Jack de Gan, Chief Investment Officer at the port Advisory Corp. in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
In a week for light gains with only electronics retailer best buy Co Inc and diversified manufacturer Pall Corp., & S P 500 companies set for the report, investors will be eye a lot of data for any signs that the economy regained its footing. Economic readings over the past two months has left little reason for optimism.
But the euro zone, where a sovereign debt crisis of two years has unsettled investors around the world, will be the real focus.
Gan noted the critical role of ECB potentially solve the problem of sovereign debt, highlighting the implications for global markets in all reports of internal turmoil.
"Europe matters now-the resignation of the ECB Trichet's maintenance fees flat, as opposed to final cut," said Phil Orlando, equity market strategist at Federated investors, Chief, in New York. "There are rumors that I can't justify, but rumors are still out there that this is weekend Greece goes bust.
"As surely, Europe is going to capture our attention," said Orlando.
Data on tap for next week include retail sales along with price indexes and producer price to consumer August. Also expected are regional manufacturing surveys by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which showed the contractions in factory activity last month.
"Each data bit theoretically Gets-on the way to understand what is the true state of the economy. I expect the reaction to rule the day, "said Kim Caughey Forrest, senior equity research analyst Fort Pitt Capital Group in Pittsburgh.
At the same time, the benchmark S & P 500 has been mired in a range of about 100 points-between 1,120 and 1,220--for the past month, leaving the market susceptible to large variations on a daily basis.
"We are just sort of about it nowhere zone," said Ken Polcari, director-general in ICAP actions New York.
"We have not broken to the downside, but nor can we have broken it upwards. So you will continue to get is this erratic market until at some point, he'll have to leave one way or another. "
The continuous increase of the CBOE volatility index also points to large movements in the market. The index rose nearly 20 percent to complete the level 40 for the first time since August 26, indicating increased investor skittishness.
"I expect high volatility next week, sharp swings to ascendants and descendants. The VIX is quite high and very high, "said Randy Frederick, Director of trading and derivatives in Charles Schwab & Co. in Austin, Texas.
"When the VIX is climbing up the way it is, that often means that the place is going up too."
(Additional reporting by Angela Moon and Rodrigo fields; Edited by Leslie Adler)

DEBT FINANCING. Blatant dismissal of Draghi room limits in buying securities

FRANKFURT (Reuters)-resigns to protest the securities purchase programme of the European Central Bank policymaker heavyweight Juergen Stark increased the pressure on the President of the ECB entry Mario Draghi to use the plan with moderation.
The ECB announced on Friday that will come out Stark, high German in the ECB, on which sources say it is a protest against its policy of purchases of titles to help troubled debtor States of the euro zone, with Italy now most important among them.
Draghi, an Italian who takes over the helm of the ECB on 1 November, barely can afford to be seen as going soft on your own--especially when many in Germany, the eurozone's biggest economy, are skeptical about the link purchase, your Presidency and now the whole credibility of the ECB.
Draghi only emerged as a favorite to succeed President Jean-Claude Trichet, after the resignation earlier this year, the Bundesbank Chief Axel Weber, who, along with Stark, was one of the priests of the orthodoxy of the German central bank.
Stark surprise movement stirred the debate on the securities purchase plan in Germany, with commentators expressing shock and fear about the direction of the policy of the euro area and fearing change marks the end of an ECB made in the image of the Bundesbank.
His departure also generates scrutiny of Draghi, who courted the Germans to win their support for the Presidency and will not want to alienate more greater constituent of the ECB.
"Adds to the reasons for Draghi be seen as being belligerent side-both interest rates and bond buying," said economist Holger Schmieding Berenberg Bank.
"He will have to establish the credentials that had to Trichet. The way to do this is to surprise people belligerent side. "
A source for euro-zone central bank, said that Stark felt the departure of Trichet when his mandate ends next month would mark the end of an era of the ECB.
Stark and Bundesbank head Jens Weidmann both against the ECB's decision last month to reactivate the plan after a break of 19 weeks. The Bank decided to buy the bonds of Italy and Spain, after which came closer to succumb to the debt crisis.
But the plan is seen by many as having the ECB in the tax arena and threatening its role as the core of the fight against inflation. Weber's opposition to the program led to his resignation and President of Germany still have questioned the legality of the plan.
The ECB only decided to reactivate your link after typing program for Italy, action demands layout in the consolidation of the budget, although the exact terms of which he required were not revealed.
He also returned to its purchase of securities on the understanding that the purchase of a euro-zone business meant the European financial stability Facility (EFSF)-block-Rescue Fund could assume the link July after only a few months.
Eurozone leaders expected national parliaments would approve the EFSF reforms by early October, but that goal seems to be postponed. A senior Slovak politician said last week that the country's Parliament to vote on the reform in December at best, although the Slovak Ministry of finance urged lawmakers on Monday to act sooner.
This means that the ECB can be left on the hook for more-a scenario Trichet does not exclude when asked directly about this possibility in the Bank's monthly press conference on Thursday.
Trichet also indicated it was satisfied with the latest austerity measures the Italian Government, comments that he made, although some ECB policy-makers concerned being that he is encouraging Roma to slow down efforts to shore up its finances by purchasing titles sovereigns of Italy.
These developments could not have pleasure Stark.
"It is too hard to accept that your line is not followed by others. He has realized that was not in a position to influence the other members of the Governing Council, "said a central bank source.
Germany formally presented his Vice-Minister of finance, Joerg Asmussen, on Saturday to replace Stark. Asmussen is a Social Democrat, but was retained by the Conservatives of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, after the last federal election due to the experience that he had won in the fight against the financial crisis.
Bert Ruerup, former head of the Council, ' wisemen ' of the German Government's economic advisers said to Reuters Asmussen would be more pragmatic than Stark.
"I don't think he will fight so openly. This may calm down when the EFSF Gets the power to buy bonds, "he said.
Anyway, economists expect the Stark departure have little influence over the ECB's monetary policy. Although he holds the portfolio of powerful economy on the Executive Board of six members, it is just one of the 23 voices on the Governing Council.
The ECB signalled on Thursday that he had stopped a cycle of interest rate rises began just five months ago, saying that the euro zone inflation risks were no longer inclined to head and economic growth would be slow at best.
This change of tone opened the doors for an interest rate cut in the eyes of some economists.
"If Trichet hopes then Draghi will make this decision at its first meeting as President of the ECB in November," said Mansoor Mohi-uddin, head of foreign exchange strategy at UBS, which pointed to research showing changes in Central Bank Governors have led to a pronounced in financial markets.
"This is clearly shaping up to be the case now at the ECB, making the euro sale in rallies even after the sharp decline this month," he said.
(Additional reporting by Annika Breidthardt Vagnoni, Giselda and edited by Mike Peacock)

DEBT FINANCING. Greece says it will stay the course, despite the fall of GDP

Thessaloniki, Greece (Reuters)-the Government of Greece debt laden promised on Saturday to maintain the austerity course, sending a message to your creditors increasingly frustrated, he will do everything necessary to avoid a bankruptcy that would rock the euro.
Anger over the country's failure to meet budgetary targets in their rescue EU/IMF reached the boiling point, prompting senior eurozone politicians to cast doubt on its ability to avoid default or even membership of the single currency.
But Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos cancelled the talk, telling your lenders that his Government remained fully committed to its bailout plan.
"We are absolutely determined, without any political cost, weighing fully to meet our obligations to our institutional partners," he said in a speech in the northern city of Thessaloniki.
Venizelos promised to cut the payroll of the civil service, privatization push and deepen the reform of the labour market.
"If these things don't change, we won't survive, we have no crisis," he told businessmen at a Conference.
Public officials, which have seen about a fifth of their salaries reduced, will suffer more after the Government decided to put thousands into a so-called "labour reserve" that will draw the 60% of his salary and possibly face dismissal does not find any other work of the public sector within one year.
"We must prove wrong those who say that Greece is unable or unwilling, or a pariah, or does not deserve to be in the euro," said Venizelos.
But austerity measures are throwing the economy into an increasingly deeper downturn. GDP will shrink by more than 5 percent this year, said Venizelos, surpassing earlier projections in its third straight year of contraction.
Recession is playing public discontent and thousands of disgruntled employees, students, taxi drivers and even football fans expected more Saturday afternoon March in Thessaloniki.
The protests are timed to coincide with a major economic policy speech by Prime Minister George Papandreou in Thessaloniki Trade Fair, the country's largest economic event.
Taxi drivers have called a strike of 12:0 am. Restaurant owners of Thessaloniki, said it would shut down on Saturday to protest a tax hike that went into effect earlier this month.
"We suffered an unprecedented tax raid ... we are deeply concerned about tomorrow," George Kasimatis, Federation of Chamber of Commerce President of Greece, Venizelos said during the Conference.
Police presence is felt throughout the city, with approximately 6,000 employees patrol the streets on foot or bike. Three people were arrested for transporting masks.
Papandreou, who was heckled by protesting in Thessaloniki, unionists from work on Friday, avoided traveling the Fairgrounds in the morning, as Prime Ministers usually do on the first day of the event.
While promising to keep its part of the agreement, the Greek Government strongly criticized their EU partners to postpone ratification of a second, rescue of 109 million euros to the country, agreed by the euro-zone leaders on 21 July.
"Europe must face the challenge and move toward the implementation of the decisions of 21 July, to end the suffering of Sissyphean the Greek people is going through," said Minister Mihalis development Chrysohoidis.
"Doing nothing is disastrous for us all," he added.
A G7 source said the troika (ECB/EU/IMF), which last week suspended the talks with Athens in frustration in Greece's fight to keep its deficit reduction plan, would probably come up with a form of words in his next report to allow the next installment of aid funds to pay.
But the working hypothesis is now that Greece will not prevent default indefinitely.
However, a plan of exchange for securities to private holders of securities, which is part of the second bailout plan and is supposed to facilitate payments of debt Greece was progressing well, said Venizelos.
"The private sector is responding very well to the PSI (involvement of the private sector)," he said without elaboration, a day after the expiration of a deadline for banks to express the interest of the regime.
(Additional reporting by Yannis Behrakis; Edited by Toby Chopra)

DEBT FINANCING. Richline Berkshire to buy Italian jeweler

VICENZA, Italy (Reuters)-International Richline jewelry company, part of billionaire investor Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa. N), will buy their brand of small Italian jewelry Thursday as plans to expand further in Italy.
Italy-based International Richline, wholly owned by Berkshire unit Richline Group, said in a statement that it has signed a letter of intent to buy the production, design, intellectual property and distribution rights of Carniani.
He did not disclose financial details of the deal.
Lucio Carniani, which would continue to run your gold and silver jewelry manufacturer, told Reuters your billing company stayed at 4 million euros (US $ $5,63 million) last year.
Earlier this year, the u.s. Distributor jewelry manufacturer and Richline group, bought four Italian jewelry brands: private jewelry maker Erz, earrings and bracelets, Farinex and children's maker Montallegro Zeno, feeding expectations that other businesses could be in the pipeline.
Richline is looking for other acquisitions in the Italian market jewelry after the business Carniani, Dennis Ulrich, Richline Group Executive Director, told Reuters.
"We are looking to expand ... We always have ongoing conversations (about possible acquisitions) ... Ulrich a larger acquisition is not excluded, "he said in an interview in an international trade fair of jewelry.
Ulrich Richline might be interested in small handmade jewelry manufacturers and industrial companies, as long as they produce high quality creative products, he said.
The Manufacturing Sector is highly fragmented Italian jewelry, composed mainly of small family businesses, has been hit hard by the financial crisis of 2008/2009 and many businesses need injections of money to continue.
Ulrich, Richline group, which was formed in 2007 and includes such brands as and, Alarama, Auragem and Aurafin, Bel-Oro (, made $ 500 million in sales last year, he said.
With the purchase of Italian companies and setting up the international Richline as a hub for further expansion, Richline group goes beyond its traditional North American markets to boost sales in Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Scandinavia and reach up to Australia and Hong Kong, he said.
Carniani should double their sales within a year, while the entire Richline International is seen to boost your business in 50 per cent in the period, thanks to organic growth and acquisitions, said Ulrich.
Richline not procurement plans of jewelry manufacturers in Asia for now, but aims to establish trade relations, "he said.
(Reports by Svetlana Kovalyova; Edited by Toby Chopra)

DEBT FINANCING. USA tax statistics has 10 Swiss banks: report

Zurich (Reuters)-u.s. authorities now have statistical data on Switzerland ten banks being investigated by the United States to help customers evade taxes, from the U.S. to Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung reported on Saturday.
TagesAnzeiger, another Swiss newspaper, reported that the Swiss banks now had until 23 September to deliver customer-specific data.
Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX), which is one of the banks under investigation, already had handed over at the beginning of the week, while nine other databases through an intermediary had delivered on Friday, said NZZ without citing all sources.
The newspaper also said the Swiss Government had given "abundance of rope" to do this.
Mario Tuor, spokesman for the Swiss Department for international financial affairs, refused to comment on the reports TagesAnzeiger, NZZ and but he said: "we are still going to a solution on the basis of existing legal standards in Switzerland".
At the end of Friday night, Reuters reported that the United States was drawing up legal documents, seeking to force nearly a dozen Swiss banks and Swiss branches with international banks to disclose the identity of clients tax evasion that Americans.
Also on Friday, the Swiss newspaper Blick said that Switzerland had given to the United States an estimate of the number of its citizens who used secret accounts to avoid paying taxes between 2002 and 2010.
Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy Rey said on Wednesday that Switzerland had given the U.S. statistical data on the extent of u.s. taxpayers, but had not delivered any data from the bank account.
Delivering statistical data is possible within the current law that protects Switzerland's banking secrecy.
Switzerland, a tax haven noted that is the world capital of offshore private banking, has been under attack from the United States Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service officials, conducting a criminal investigation in private banking services that u.s. authorities say enabled rich Americans evade billions of dollars in taxes.
The Justice Department served a target letter in July at Credit Suisse, Switzerland's second largest bank, notifying him that was the focus of a criminal investigation. US authorities are also probing HSBC (HSBA.L) and small private banks and the Swiss cantonal banks, including Basler Kantonalbank, Wegelin and Julius Baer (BAER.VX).
The Justice Department is trying to determine the total volume of undeclared accounts held in Swiss banks. Officials suspect that auditors hold assets in the tens of billions of dollars and possibly much more.
(Reports of Katie Reid; Edited by Toby Chopra)

DEBT FINANCING. Marseille establishes differences G7 naked and lack of political room

Marseille (Reuters)-vague promises and lack of action by G7 countries pointed out the differences between Europe and the United States and the lack of space for maneuver before the worst loss of confidence since the credit crisis.
After weeks of turmoil in the markets, the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Presidents from the Group of seven industrialized countries promised a coordinated response on Friday the global downturn, but offered no specific steps and differed in emphasis on the debt crisis.
Although the United States called on the biggest European economies to support "unambiguous" peripheral States struggling to overcome a debt crisis that is crippling the recovery of the world, euro zone Germany Treasurer said the priority cutting deficits.
"There's no sense of direction, wholly designed taking into account that there is no agreement on the path to fiscal policy between the United States and Europe, and there is agreement on the path of monetary policy," said Gilles Moec, senior economist with Deutsche Bank in London.
"In some ways, is a statement which is a list of restrictions that policy-makers are facing," he said of a host country of the final declaration the French pushed to other G7 members reluctant to produce at the end of the talks that invaded for almost two hours.
Despite initially saying that there was no need for a statement, France changed his tune to send a signal to drive markets after Wall Street fell nearly 3 percent on Friday.
"The announcement was at the insistence of the French, but in practice it is meaningless. Still cannot agree on the problems, so how can we agree on an analysis, "said a delegate of the G7.
Markets were roiled by the already beaten Friday resignation of high-ranking German on European Central Bank in protest against the database connection purchase program, laying bare divisions within the sphere of European policymaking as well as the G7 global differences illustrated.
Final "terms of reference," less binding than a formal communique, G7 acknowledged tensions in the markets and clear signs of a slowdown in global growth.
"We are committed to a strong international response to these challenges," he said, but provided no further specifications in addition to urging fiscal adjustments conducive to growth.
The statement voiced support for the plan of work of $ $447 billion of United States President Barack Obama and decision of 21 July in Europe to strengthen the powers of the EFSF rescue facility in the eurozone, but papered over cracks in the political differences.
Speculation had swirled in some neighborhoods that Presidents of G7 central banks may signal a coordinated monetary stimulus involving quantitative easing, but a second representative of G7 said that possibility has not yet been discussed.
"It is not realistic for the market and expect us to put hundreds of billions on the table, each time we meet," he said.
Geithner said at Friday's meeting that he was confident that the US Government would reach at least a substantial part of the package jobs Obama's Congress despite Republican Resistance, another delegate said.
But US officials said that most of the meeting was devoted to Europe's debt crisis and the health of their banks.
Seeking to calm fears about the financing bank, the ECB President, Jean-Claude Trichet said European banks meeting made about $ 5 trillion in guarantee eligible for access to funds of the central bank.
While Japan said it had received G7 blessing of unilateral action in foreign exchange, delegates said that the problem had not really even been discussed in depth at the meeting, and the statement simply had used the wording from previous statements.
(Additional reporting by Giselda Vagnoni; Edited by Catherine Bremer, Mike Peacock)

Jumat, 09 September 2011

DEBT FINANCING. Car manufacturers are fighting European melancholy in Frankfurt

FRANKFURT/London (Reuters)-the global automotive industry descends in Frankfurt next week to show the latest models hopes will move away from an economic slowdown in some of its biggest markets, like government spending cuts chip away at consumer confidence in Europe.
Automakers also are experiencing slowing growth in China car market, now the world's number one search engines and major influx of luxury cars over the past two years.
Even if the United States avoids recession, will intensify the competition there as Japanese automakers battle to claw back lost ground when the March earthquake interrupted production.
Car registrations in some major European markets actually rose last month, but analysts are warning the figures, which reflect the cars purchased two months ago, before the fall of stock market of the summer, do not tell the whole story.
"Certainly a point of view, a lot has changed during this time," said Barclays Capital analyst Michael Tyndall. "I take little comfort from August good numbers".
"It was very aptly said that we must be careful that we do not talk ourselves into a recession," he said. "It is very easy from a consumer point of view of getting to a point where you don't want to spend on anything--is very uncertain," he added.
Evaluation of Tyndall of the vicious circle that could choke off demand is shared by the luxury automaker BMW (BMWG.DE) chief financial officer Friedrich Eichiner, who told reporters on Friday: "we don't want to provoke a crisis by the way, why don't we see a moment".
Eichiner said: "we believe that we will have to deal with growth dampened in the future, but not necessarily with a new recession."
However, with the rapidly changing macroeconomic situation, gloomy forecasts could weigh on demand.
Tyndall said: "we are looking for a slower growth and Europe are looking at some pullback in 2012, but not anything like the collapse that we saw in 2008".
But even if the car industry is expecting something far short of an accident, will face the slowdown without the support of public loans and generous scrap schemes that saved the market last time.
PricewaterhouseCoopers analysts see a "difficult" the last quarter of 2011 in Europe that will drag the whole year for a dip of 2.5 per cent in the European automotive market to 13.4 million vehicles.
Josselin Chabert, analyst at Autofact unit PwC said: "With the debt crisis, the reduction of economic forecasts and weak prospects for the labour market, numerous European countries could experience a difficult months ahead."
European car makers may have scrambled to increase their presence in China and other emerging regions, but they still rely on Europe for most of its sales and tough austerity measures threaten consumer spending power.
The Frankfurt show, which opens to the media on September 13, is traditionally an opportunity for German car manufacturers show their new premium models.
These tags in particular has been flying high recently as affluent Chinese buyers have snapped up their plush models, but the smaller cars, they are set to unveil next week should help them gain a larger share of the stagnation of demand in Europe, where the tightening emissions legislation favours small vehicles.
"It's a great tendency, especially to German car makers, shifting down-segment," said the analyst at IHS Global Insight Tim Urquhart, adding that the movement also helped attract younger drivers.
"Can extend into smaller segments and there is a new demographic that will be able to buy their vehicles."
Mercedes-Benz (DAIGn.DE) will take the wraps off its new class b for the first time in Frankfurt, while the BMW (BMWG.Will show your 1) new compact series.
Europe's largest automobile manufacturer, Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) will showcase its new small town car, the Up!, which it hopes will rival popular small models including Fiat (FIA.500 MI) and forms a fundamental part of its bid to be the largest automobile manufacturer in the world until 2018.
Drive VW Audi displays an urban concept car powered by a lithium-ion and built around a framework of carbon fiber monocoque in their booth lavish 10 million euros that incorporates its own test track.
PwC said that Germany itself remains a bright spot on in melancholy and expected growth this year of 9.7 percent in this market, Europe's largest, in the region after its economy performed better than some of its neighbours.
If this will last is an open question and dealers are braced for tougher times ahead.
Ernst-Robert Nouvertne, owner of Concessionaire Autohaus Nouvertné am Wasserturm in Solingen said orders had cooled rapidly since may, after a strong start to the year.
"But we hope new models and premieres in Frankfurt auto show to play a key role in giving impetus to new orders."
Juergen Karpinski, owner of Autoschmitt Frankfurt added: "new cars are in demand and can be long waiting lists for several months. However, we expect an impact-what always happens when the economy softens and hurts purchasing power, it just comes with a delay. "
(Edited by Chris Wickham and Mike Nesbit)

DEBT FINANCING. U.S. demands action from a stronger Europe in the G7

MARSEILLE, France (Reuters)-The United States pressed Europe's strongest economies on Friday to give "unequivocal" financial support to weaker euro zone states to overcome the debt crisis that threatens the world economy.
"It is completely within the capacity of the stronger members of the euro area to absorb these costs," U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the G7 finance chiefs gathered in Marseille to discuss how to revive a stalling recovery.
"Those costs would be much, much greater for them and their economies if they sit here and do nothing, and they recognize that," Geithner told Bloomberg Television in comments that appeared aimed primarily at I economic powerhouse Germany.
With markets looking to the Group of Seven major industrial economies for some sign of a policy shift to help faltering growth, the G7 source said the meeting might after all issue a communique, which G7 chair France had said was not planned.
Ministers and central bankers were under pressure to calm the biggest confidence crisis in financial markets since the 2007-8 global credit crunch.
But the shock announcement that the top German official at the European Central Bank is leaving early in disagreement with the bank's policy of buying euro zone government bonds to support the likes of Italy and Spain laid bare deep rifts over how to manage the debt crisis.
The ECB confirmed that chief economist Juergen Stark would remove nearly three years before his term is due to expire. His decision means Bank of Italy governor Mario Draghi will start his term at the ECB helm in November with a mountain to climb to restore its credibility in Germany, Europe's biggest economy.
France has called for a coordinated response from the Group of Seven industrialized nations after mounting anxiety over Europe's debt crisis and the fragility of its banks caused the big fall in world stock markets in recent weeks.
Differences between the economic problems facing the euro zone, Britain and the United States--which unveiled the $447 billion jobs package on Thursday--are complicating the task though, meaning one-size-fits-all solutions will not work.
IMF chief Christine Lagarde said in London before boarding the flight for Marseille that policymakers in advanced economies should use all available tools to boost growth and called for bold action to weather the "dangerous new phase" of recovery.
She also cautioned against too much fiscal consolidation in the climate of sputtering growth.
But the G7 source told Reuters the unanimous agreement at the Marseille talks on coordinated monetary easing was unlikely.
The source in Brussels has said the G7 would likely agree to keep monetary policy accommodative, slow fiscal consolidation in states where that is possible, and implement structural reforms.
Fears the global economy may be in its most difficult period since the collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers have added significance to Thursday's talks but there has been little evidence of the unity of purpose shown in 2008 and 2009.
U.S. President Barack Obama's new package of tax cuts and spending could lift U.S. growth by one to three percentage points in 2012 and add more than a million jobs.
But in debt-ridden Europe, there is little scope for fiscal stimulus, and where there is some wiggle-room--in Germany and Britain--there is no political appetite for it.
In an indication of the conflicting positions on policy, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty told Reuters TV decisive moves were needed to restore market confidence and said slowing fiscal consolidation too much would be foolish.
"I hope we would all agree we have to stay the course, that we have to go through the pain of fiscal consolidation. It's not easy, it creates stresses in some countries, but it's necessary, we have to get through this rough patch, "Flaherty said.
G7 finance ministers and central bankers catch has trickled into the Mediterranean port city of Marseille around lunchtime and talks were due to start at 04:00 pm (1400 GMT).
A working dinner will be followed by briefings from around 9:15 pm local time (1915 GMT) by the French, German, Canadian and Japanese delegations and European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet. The United States plans in the briefing.
With Asian economies deeply worried about the West's debt crisis and slow growth, Japan said it will voice its concern on the euro zone debt crisis and seek support for its right to unilateral action over safe-haven buying pushing up the yen.
Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa told reporters in Marseille he hoped the talks would share frank views on the crisis and said it was vital that G7 finance chiefs came up with a "firm stance" to stabilize the world economy.
"There are various factors behind the world economy's uncertainty but Europe's debt problem is one major factor. It is important for Europe to tackle its debt problems for its own sake but it would also indirectly bring positive effects on Japan's economy, "he said.
Finance Minister Jun Azumi said Japan would ask the G7 for its understanding on its intentions to counter yen rises.
Lagarde said policymakers must act now, "and boldly," giving her blessing to more quantitative easing by central banks and saying the challenge was to find the pace of adjustment that was neither too fast nor too slow.
She said countries facing market pressures must push ahead with urgent fiscal consolidation, while there was scope for slower action in countries not at the mercy of market forces.
"If growth continues to lose momentum, balance sheet problems will worsen, fiscal sustainability will be threatened, and the scope for policies to salvage the recovery will disappear," she said.
Decisions by the European and British central banks this week to keep interest rates unchanged accentuated the gloom in Europe but neither indicated that the cut was imminent, while Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gave no hint of new stimulus to boost the economy in the keenly awaited speech.
"Despite speculation about new coordinated forex intervention, the standard final statement remains the most likely outcome," Unicredit said in a research note.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development says growth across the G7 could slow to an anemic 0.2 percent in the last quarter of 2011. Its chief economist Pier Carlo Padoan urged the G7 to send a clear signal it is ready to take action if growth slows further.
(Additional reporting by Daniel Flynn and Claire Watson in Marseille, John Irish in Paris, Keith Weir in London, David Lawder in Washington and Leika Kihara in Tokyo; Writing by Catherine Bremer, editing by Mike Peacock)

DEBT FINANCING. Analysis: Obama jobs plan strengthens growth prospects

WASHINGTON (Reuters)-the jobs of President Barack Obama package could lift economic growth by one to three percentage points in 2012, add more than one million jobs and reduce the unemployment rate at least half a percentage point, judging by initial estimates.
Not exactly he can deliver the "jolt" Obama said in his speech to Congress Thursday night, but it would be enough to make a difference.
The basic idea is to give sufficient impetus to get recovery stop on the hunchback where families, banks and businesses have paid more than their debt loads and regained the confidence to start spending, loans and hire again.
Once demand picks up, the private sector will kick in and start hiring, and tax the props may disappear.
He would deliver economic medicine prescribed in recent weeks by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and the International Monetary Fund to prevent a worrying slowdown in global economic growth into recession.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner also ensure their officials finance partners in the G7 meeting of leading industrial Nations in Marseille on Friday the United States is pulling its weight.
The wild card is of course if a Republican dominated House of representatives will agree with the complete package of $ $447 billion, a prospect unlikely given his criticisms that the stimulus program $ $830 billion in February 2009 was unable to deliver the takeoff of the economy and added to the huge budget deficit.
The American economy is so 2007 scars implosion of the housing credit, the bank failures resulted in 2008 and the deepest recession in 70 years that he's taking a long time to recover and create jobs.
"What you come up is that there is no silver bullet, no magic formula that this President or any person may propose that would bring unemployment below 5% next year," said Joel Prakken, Macroeconomic Advisers Chairman, economic modeling firm in St. Louis.
"He has to come from the private sector and for which you have to work with the slack with the housing crisis is repress aggregate demand," he said.
This suggests that the programme of work of Obama, that would probably serve as a palliative, not a cure, leaving room for the Federal Reserve provide more monetary stimulus to prevent the economy returned to fall out of recession.
Analysts in the Capital Economics estimated that the Obama plan is equivalent to 3% of GDP of the United States and must be sufficient to significantly increase the growth of 2012 if fully passed by Congress.
The biggest single impetus could come from a reduction of $ 250 billion in payroll taxes. Obama proposes to extend an existing 2 percent cut in payroll tax and increase its size to 3.1% for employees and adding a hack for employers.
"These reductions in payroll taxes are the proposals that have the greatest chance of being approved by Congress because it will be more difficult for Republicans to vote against the proposed tax cuts," said Paul Ashworth, Chief Economist of the U.S. economy of the Capital.
Tax cuts could add as much as $ 375 billion in economic output for the u.s. economy of $ 14 trillion, based on Congressional Budget Office estimated in August, the economic impact that fiscal stimulus programs can have on GDP.
But not all that would be money new impetus, since a cut payroll taxes of $ $112 billion is already in force and would simply be extended. In addition, the overall impact could be reduced because it does not target lower income workers.
"Gives money disproportionately people at the top of the income scale. Higher income individuals are more likely to save money, they don't need to spend it in essence, therefore, the actual impact is minor, "said Roberton Williams, senior fellow centrist Brookings Center for urban policy-tax.
Macroeconomic Advisers still estimated that the payroll tax of 2 percent cut extension alone would add 400,000 jobs and increase GDP in 2012 at 0.5%. The largest sum may increase that to about 0.7% GDP and 600,000 jobs.
The second largest in terms of Obama is US $ 105 billion in infrastructure investments, which could add as much as $ 262 billion for the economy, based on the CBO numbers.
Macroeconomic Advisers estimates that could create about 150,000 new jobs in the first year and add more than half a million jobs in three years-good news but small for an economy that usually generates more than two million jobs per year when in good health.
The challenge would also find "shovel-ready" projects where the highways, railroads, or renovation of school plans are on the drawing board is awaiting funding. Otherwise it can take years for major construction projects underway.
Extending unemployment benefits, which total US $ 49 billion in Obama's plan, also has a significant impact. He could add up to US $ 102 billion to the economy. Macroeconomic estimates of advisers would add 0.25% growth of GDP in 2012 and create 200,000 new jobs, putting more money in the pockets of consumers.
Economists were re-run computer models at the end of Thursday night to update your data. Based on a stimulus package of $ 300 billion less than Obama revealed, Ian Shepherdson, Us Economist at high frequency economics, had estimated an increase of 1.3% to GDP and 1.7 million jobs over the life of the programmes.
His initial reaction was if it were adopted in full, that is rather unlikely, the plan would reduce the rate of unemployment 9.1 per cent to 8 per cent in 2012 and give a welcome boost to an economy which grew at an annual rate of 1 percent in the second quarter. But is does not guarantee a solid recovery.
"This is going to be more than a panacea for our problems? It's hard to say, "said Williams. "This crisis has been deeper and longer than anything we've seen since the late 1930 and totally do not understand it. What we do know is that what we did in 2009 was not large enough. "
(Editing by Mary Milliken and Philip Barbara)

DEBT FINANCING. The Housing Sector seen limping along: Reuters poll

NEW YORK (Reuters)-United States struggling real estate market should fall a bit more as he searches for a Fund, but domestic prices are seen running up modestly in 2012, according to a Reuters poll released on Friday.
Economists were divided on whether the worst was over for the housing market by the end of the year or if it will take longer to arrive at a floor.
Existing home sales should improve only modestly. Search forecasts are consistent with the expectations of the housing sector will continue to limp along in a weakened State in the coming years.
Housing has been unable to find its footing since its collapse in 2007, despite government programs of several billion dollars and ultra low interest rates.
In fact, adjustable mortgage rates and fixed a year reached new record minimum for the week ending 8 September, but analysts did not expect to stimulate buying a race.
Concerns that another recession is imminent, high unemployment and tight credit kept buyers from the market, leaving a shortage of houses for sale that has driven down prices.
Although called "anguish" sales at reduced prices drastically helped absorb some of the houses on the market, foreclosures in course should keep the anemic market.
"There is still a huge pipeline of homes that will be blocked up and the weak labour market certainly isn't helping," said Scott Brown, Chief Economist at Raymond James, in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Analysts said a housing market recovery is dependent on improvement of labour market and the wider economy.
"A major concern is that you have a lot of homes where the mortgage holder is still underwater and most of these owners will continue to make payments," said Brown.
"He gets to be a problem, however, if anyone loses his job, someone gets sick, there is a divorce or something where the House must be sold".
U.S. home prices-measured by Standard & Poor 's/Case-Shiller 20-City composite index Home price-will fall 3.8% for the year, before stabilizing and gaining 0.8 percent in 2012, according to the average forecast of 22 economists in Reuters poll taken last week.
The expectations were eased previous Reuters poll in June, which forecast prices would fall this year and 5.0 percent increase just 0.5% year around housing.
The forecasts for the evolution of the domestic price index for this year had a wide variety, a decline of 14.0% for a gain of 0.1 percent. Predictions for 2012 had a small space, a 6.0% decline to a gain of 4%.
Of 28 economists polled, 14 said that prices had any funds already hit this year or would be for the fourth quarter. Twelve respondents said that prices will not reach a trough until 2012 and 2013, while a forecast an expected it would take until 2014.
In the third quarter, the pace of existing home sales should come to an annualized rate of 4.78 million and will be until edge 4.95 million in the fourth quarter. Sales of previously owned homes were at an annual rate of 4.67 million units in July, according to data from the National Association of Realtors.
Economists saw the rate of home sales reaching 5.1 million for the first and second quarter of next year.
"New foreclosures peaked in 2009, but the inventory of foreclosed homes will decrease slowly," said David Berson, Chief Economist at mortgage insurer PMI Group.
Economists forecast the average rate of 30-year mortgage would be 4.5% for the year, lower than the June forecast for 4.82%.
(Search by Sumanta Dey and Somya Gupta)

DEBT FINANCING. BofA discussing about 40,000 job cuts: report

BANGALORE (Reuters)-employees of Bank of America Corp. discussed cutting approximately 40,000 jobs during the first wave of a restructuring, said the Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the plans.
The number of job cuts is not final and could change. The restructuring aims to reduce the Bank's work force of 280,000 during a period of years, told the newspaper.
BofA could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside us regular office hours.
The newspaper said BofA executives met Thursday in Charlotte, North Carolina, where the Bank is headquartered, and will meet again Friday to make final decisions on reductions, putting the finishing touches on five months of work.
Investors are pressuring BofA to improve its performance after he lost money in four of the last six quarters and its stock has dropped by half this year.
The newspaper said that the cuts proposed may exceed the last big cut of BofA in 2008 when called for cuts of 30,000 to 35,000 jobs over three years. This movement was caused by an economic slowdown and the planned acquisition of Merrill Lynch & Co.
Earlier this month, the Charlotte Observer reported that BofA executives were discussing plans to launch potentially 25,000 to 30,000 jobs in the coming years.
BofA had previously planned to cut 3,500 jobs, its Chief Executive Brian Moynihan had said in a memo to staff on 18 August, while he tries to come to grips with $ 1 trillion dollars of mortgages of the problem.
Bank of America announced a profound reorganisation of its senior management team on Tuesday, which included the departure of the consumer Bank Chief Joe price and wealth management head Sallie Krawcheck.
Banks are shedding jobs throughout the world as more stringent standards and a tough second quarter income trading to take its toll on investment banking units in particular.
More than 70,000 staff cuts were announced this year or are declared as the works of European and US banks, some of them will be lost over three or four year programs.
(Reports by Sakthi Prasad in Bangalore; Editing by Anshuman Daga)

DEBT FINANCING. August sales of McDonald's Miss; Japan drags

New York/CHICAGO (Reuters)-McDonald's Corp. (MCD.N) reported an increase of less than expected in August worldwide sales in restaurants established on a sharp fall in Japan and a lull in releases of new products in the United States.
The world's largest hamburger chain, whose shares fell 4.4 percent on Friday, said that sales at restaurants open at least 13 months rose 3.5% globally. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters sought an increase of 4.3%.
Sales of the same restaurant rose 3.9% in the United States, the analysts ' expectation of 4.0%. In Europe-the biggest market of McDonald 's-the company missing an increase of 2.7%, analysts ' estimate of an increase of 4.7%.
To help increase sales, McDonald's was based on new products like oatmeal for breakfast and a review of drinks which included the introduction of fruit smoothies and other drinks.
In August 2010, demand smoothies helped drive sales of the same u.s. restaurant by 4.6%.
This year, "new product launches are really weighted toward the front half of the summer," Morningstar analyst R.J. Hottovy said.
But he noted that the company was still doing better than its competitors in terms of sales of the same restaurant.
"He is still positive comping while a lot of its competitors are still square in negative territory," said Hottovy.
Sales and profits by months of McDonald's were the envy of the global fast-food industry, which means that the company is punished when meet or Miss expectations of results.
The company has been outpacing rivals such as Wendy Co (WEN.N), Burger King Corp. BKCBK.UL and Yum Brands Inc. (YUM.N) KFC, attracting a broader range of Diners than typical young adult males fast-food.
McDonald's reported a decline of 0.3% in Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa, while Wall Street had forecast an increase of 3.5 percent.
Asia was dragged down by a sharp decline in comparable sales in Japan, where consumers are still adjusting to the aftermath of the March earthquake and tsunami.
Janna Sampson, investment Director, said that sein Oakbrook investments the weak results in Japan were worrying, given how many months have passed since the earthquake and tsunami struck in March.
Sampson said that "I would have thought that has already been priced in expectations,". "But one month does not make for a pattern of ... If we continue in September, it becomes more problematic. "
Earlier this week, Red Lobster and Olive Garden father Darden Restaurants Inc (DRI.N) warned that the hurricane Irene had dented its quarterly earnings by 2 cents per share.
But Irene had minimal impact on sales of McDonald 's, said a spokesman for the company.
Actions based in Oak Brook, Illinois McDonald fell 4.4 percent to $ 84.71 in trade in the New York Stock Exchange.
(Additional reporting Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles; Edited by Lisa Von Ahn, Dave Zimmerman)

DEBT FINANCING. German court decision on Samsung WINS Apple tablets

DÃœSSELDORF, Germany (Reuters)-Apple Inc marked a symbolic victory in legal efforts to keep its leadership in the local market for computer Tablet PC when a German court upheld the ban blocking the local unit of Samsung sell their pills in the largest Galaxy 10.1 economy of Europe.
Samsung, which he said will appeal the decision, and Apple have been locked in a global battle of the smartphone and tablet patents since April.
Samsung Galaxy devices are seen as among the greatest challenging for Apple's portable products that have achieved great success.
Samsung said it was disappointed with the decision and that he believed the decision restricts design innovation and progress in the industry.
He said he would explore all legal options, including continuing to aggressively Apple so that Samsung said are a violation of their patents on wireless technology worldwide.
Craig Cartier, an analyst at consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, said that while Friday's decision would not affect greatly Samsung could set a precedent for other courts and have repercussions for patent battles around the world.
"There was an arms race in the world patent that led to a high value of patent portfolios, including the patent auction of Nortel's $ 4.5 billion," said Cartier.
"Companies can start questioning whether patent values are simply another bubble waiting to burst."
The injunction upheld by the Court on Friday bars Samsung Germany sell the tablet 10.1 Galaxy in Germany.
But retailers like consumer electronics chain Media Markt will still be able to sell existing stock device by selling or receiving new supplies of father of the South Korean Group Samsung international.
Media Markt said it was too early to say what the verdict would mean for your business.
Patent experts Florian Mueller said on his blog that the prohibition of marketing in Europe for Germany Samsung has no practical consequences.
The German subsidiary is also prevented from selling the pills in Europe, excluding the Netherlands where Apple has requested a separate injunction.
Giving the ruling, judge Johanna Brueckner-Hofmann said in court in Duesseldorf that the overall impression of the tablet was very similar to Apple's iPad drawing.
Brueckner-Hofmann "(tablet) is distinguished by its simple, smooth areas," he said.
On the other hand, a Dutch Court ruled last month that not detected no violations of Samsung's pills.
Apple repeated his usual statement saying that: "this kind of blatant copy is wrong, and we must protect the intellectual property of Apple, when companies steal our ideas".
In a battle of global intellectual property, Apple claimed the Galaxy line of phones and tablets "faithfully" copied the iPhone and iPad and has sued the Korean company in the United States, Australia, Japan and Korea, as well as in Europe.
Samsung, whose tablets are based on Google's Android software, Inc-counter has sued Apple.
On Thursday, Apple also filed a lawsuit against Samsung in Japan, seeking a ban on sales of some of your gadgets there.
That same day, smartphone manufacturer HTC said it extended its lawsuit against Apple to include more patents the Taiwanese company Google acquired the legal battles have become increasingly common in the high tech industry.
(Additional reporting by Harro ten Wolde; Edited by David Holmes, David Cowell and David Hulmes)

DEBT FINANCING. Exclusive: Stark to leave the ECB about buying titles

FRANKFURT (Reuters)-member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank Juergen Stark will resign from Office, because of a conflict about the controversial program purchase securities of the ECB, Reuters sources said on Friday.
The ECB confirmed Stark would be the second German to leave the Bank policymaker this year after exiting the Bundesbank Chief Axel Weber on February-a motion also stimulated by his opposition to the bond program.
The Bank, "Stark said he resigned for personal reasons, but two sources said Reuters was related to the purchase link that has rescued the Italy and Spain last month of the crisis and the euro and European stock markets fell in response.
Bond yield spreads, however, to the periphery fight of Europe were only slightly higher.
Stark's departure would be a blow to the ECB, whose experienced President, Jean-Claude Trichet, is due to retire at the end of October. Trichet will be replaced by Mario Draghi, Italy whose native has been under attack from markets.
"This is remarkable," said Manfred Neumann, professor emeritus of Economics at the University of Bonn and former thesis Adviser to the President of the Bundesbank Jens Weidmann.
"Stark held the same view of buy link as Axel Weber and current Bundesbank President. Is a position that all Germans have. This is a sign of enormous problems within the central bank. The Germans clearly has a problem with the direction of the ECB. "
Stark and Weidmann, along with two other members of the Governing Council 23 Members, against the resurgence of ECB bond-buy last month.
The ECB reactivated the program after a week of 19 pause to help hold down borrowing costs in Italy and in Spain.
The ECB is, however, worried that by purchasing titles sovereigns of Italy's third largest economy-eurozone-only is encouraging the Italian Government to slow down efforts to shore up its finances and has been angry with flip-flopping in Rome.
Stark, 63, had been a member of the Executive Board of six members of the ECB since June 2006 and held the influential economy portfolio.
His tenure in the Council, whose members form the Council of the ECB together with the heads of the National Bank of the euro zone, was until 17 May 31, 2014.
The news that shirk Stark comes amid sharp criticism of the ECB's actions by some economists and politicians in his native Germany.
Trichet took aim at France, Germany and Italy on Thursday to sprinkle the budget rules of European stability and Growth Pact, saying that this contributed to the fiscal mess that finally pushed the ECB to buy the debt troubled economies in bond markets.
"If we embarked on the SMP program (sulfite) ... was because the Governments concerned had not acted properly," he said in an impassioned defense of record of the ECB at its monthly news conference.
(Reporting by Andreas Framke and Alexander Huebner; written by Paul Carrel)

DEBT FINANCING. Obama begins tough sell stop pivotal work plan

WASHINGTON (Reuters)-President Barack Obama, seeking to salvage a faltering economy and their own prospects of re-election, began an uphill battle on Friday to win Republican support for a plan of jobs $ $447 billion.
The proposals, weighted toward tax cuts for workers and companies, has been carefully designed to appeal to middle class voters who Gravitate toward the political center.
A day after unveiling their ideas on Capitol Hill, Obama will launch them directly to Americans during a visit to a University of Virginia, sparking a months-long campaign to promote the package across the country.
The White House sees the plane, a mix of tax cuts payroll and expenses to upgrade roads, bridges and school buildings, as the best hope for reducing the unemployment rate of 9.1 percent that threatens Obama's Presidency and addressing what he called a national crisis.
Initial estimates suggested that could raise u.s. growth of 1 to 3 points in 2012, reducing the unemployment rate at least half a percentage point and add well over 1 million jobs. Mark Zandi, Chief Economist at Moody's Analytics and a former advisor to 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain said that he could add 1.9 million jobs.
Obama hopes that he can gather enough popular support to pressure Republicans to stay behind the scenes, so that he can get the lowest unemployment before the presidential vote in November 2012.
"The next election is 14 months away," Obama told a rare joint session of Congress on Thursday. "And the people who sent us here — the people who hired him in working for them-they don't have the luxury to wait 14 months".
Financial markets showed little reaction to the speech, due to doubts about whether it could clear a Congress divided. U.S. stock index futures fell slightly early Friday.
There were initial signs that Republican Congressional leaders may be prepared to find at least some common ground on the plan, despite its opposition to much of Obama's agenda in the past year.
President of the Chamber of representatives, John Boehner said Obama's ideas "deserve consideration." Rep. Eric Cantor, the second ranking Republican in the House whose state Obama will visit on Friday, said the tax cuts payroll were "something that will be a part of discussions" and described "a lot of space to work together".
"I heard a lot in the President's speech last night where there is plenty of room for common use and we can get something done quickly," Singer told CNN on Friday morning.
He said the Republicans were convinced of the need for an infrastructure Bank, another component of the Obama jobs plan, but could accept other aspects, including tax cuts.
Top Democrats said he hoped Republicans, whose top issue is the reduction of the debt and deficit, would be willing to accept the public works programmes and funds for hiring teachers, supplementing the Obama program, along with the help of mortgage refinancing.
"If we by steps, if we take only small parts, frankly I'm not sure that will make it work," Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, said on CNBC.
Shadowy figures jobs and other recent data have raised fears that the American economy may slip into another recession.
While economic woes has sent the popularity of Obama, falling to new lows, the Republicans are well aware that they could suffer political consequences also if Obama succeeds in painting them as obstructionists in the effort to solve the problem of jobs.
Vice President Joe Biden said on Friday morning that the funds would be to filter jobs plan on the economy in three to six months, after it passes and could help ameliorate that companies have been reluctant to spend their money.
"This is all designed to change the level of confidence and attitude of the people out there," he told NBC.
The Republicans have hammered Obama for months about what they viewed as weak leadership on the economy. And in a gloomy signal for the prospects of re-election of the President, Democrats increasingly have begun to sour on its economic management as well.
The price of US $ $447 billion of work plan unexpectedly large Obama was hailed by the powerful constituencies, as unions whose support needs Obama in his re-election drive.
The package and the resolute tone in the speech of Obama were received by Richard Trumka, President of the influential Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, who sat with first lady Michelle Obama in your box during the speech.
Trumka said later that Obama made clear that he was "willing to go to the mat to create new jobs on a large scale".
(Additional reporting by David Morgan, Doina Chiacu, Patricia Zengerle and Thomas Ferraro; Editing by Anthony Boadle)

DEBT FINANCING. Wall St falls after the resignation of ECB

NEW YORK (Reuters)-stocks fell sharply at the open on Friday after sources told Reuters that Central Bank Executive Board Member Juergen Stark European would resign from Office because of a conflict over central bank bonds, buying the program.
The Dow Jones industrial average.DJI fell 169.53 points, or 1.50%, to 11, 126.28. The Standard & Poor popular 500 index.SPX dropped 16.27 points, or 1.37%, 1, 169.63. The Nasdaq Composite Index fell IXIC. points or 1.11%, 28.02 in 2, 501.12.
(Reports by Angela Moon; Edited by Padraic Cassidy)