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Jim Bryson and his daughter Kelsey of Canada grew the record-setting, 1,818-pound pumpkin over the summer. They brought it to the New York Botanical Garden this past weekend, where it was carved up. One of the seeds recently sold at auction for $1,500.
Copyright © 2011 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.ARI SHAPIRO, host: And our last word in business today is seed finance - literally. This past weekend, Jim Bryson and his daughter Kelsey were in New York showing off the big pumpkin that they grew over the summer. It weighed in at 1,818 pounds, a new record in the world of competitive pumpkin growing. The Bryson's were in New York from Canada to display their giant gourd at the New York Botanical Garden, where it was carved up.
RENEE MONTAGNE, host: Now the Bryson's can harvest one of the fruits of their labor, the seeds. One seed recently sold at auction for $1,500, though Jim Bryson says that's unusual.
JIM BRYSON: Typically, the good seeds will go from $200 to $500 at auction over the Internet. Most of that money is used to raise funds for the weigh-offs, for prizes and for crops, you know.
MONTAGNE: Bryson hopes his pumpkin will yield 600 seeds. And he doesn't expect to get rich. He says he's likely to do what others do: donate the seeds to other growers and to groups for fundraising. And that's the business news on MORNING EDITION, from NPR News. I'm Renee Montagne.
SHAPIRO: And I'm Ari Shapiro.
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