Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Union rebuffs Air Canada labour complaint

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The union representing Air Canada flight attendants is brushing off an unfair labour practice complaint filed against it by the airline.

CUPE national president Paul Moist called the complaint "a complete red-herring."

The airline filed the complaint with the Canada Industrial Relations Board and is seeking compensation.

The airline is complaining that the union leadership doesn't appear to be reflecting the wishes of the membership, among other concerns. The airline said the union's inability to properly represent their members is causing Air Canada significant harm, because the threat of a strike discourages people from buying Air Canada tickets.

The move comes after union members twice voted down tentative contracts negotiated by the union bargaining team.

"The suggestion the Air Canada Component of CUPE has been bargaining in bad faith is ludicrous," said Moist.

"This is just another transparent attempt to stall the flight attendants legal strike until back-to-work legislation can be put in place."

Moist called on Air Canada to return to the bargaining table.

The CIRB met Friday to begin setting out timetables on the two issues referred to it by Labour Minister Lisa Raitt.

They include whether any of Air Canada's services need to be maintained, in the event of a strike or lockout, to prevent an immediate and serious danger to the safety or health of the public.

The CIRB said that referral prevents any strike or lockout until it reaches its decision. The flight attendants had issued a strike notice for 12:01 a.m. on October 13, but that was called off after the matter went to the CIRB. Air Canada flights operated normally on Thursday.

The second matter referred by Raitt is whether the rejection of two tentative agreements recommended by the union "created conditions that are unfavourable to the settlement of the industrial dispute at hand."

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