Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Hong Kong's top financial Centre

HONG KONG ((CNN)) - Hong Kong has become the United States and the United Kingdom to take first place in index 2011 of the World Economic Forum of development of financial markets - first financial Central Asian to do so.

Fourth annual financial report of the development forum, position of Hong Kong has been strengthened by the strong scores in non-banking financial services as IPO activity - the first public sale of shares by a company - and insurance.

The report class 60 major financiers of the word systems according to more than 100 variables, access to different forms of capital and financial services, financial stability, regulation and the availability of skilled workers.

Hong Kong passed the fourth place of the index, in concerns about the financial stability of the United States and scores lower than the United Kingdom on the activity of the IPO and securitization - which is the process in which certain types of property, such as mortgage loans are pooled so that they can be repackaged securities bond-like.

The Belgium was the only country to abandon a largely unchanged top 10, with the Norway recipient.

Top 10

1 Hong Kong of
2 United States of
3 United Kingdom of
4 Singapore
5 Australia
6 Canada
7 Netherlands
8 Japan
9 Switzerland
10 Norway

China (19th) joined the Malaysia (16) as the second of only two emerging countries in the top 20.

"Hong Kong climb to the top of our index marks an important milestone, the first time in the history of the report that the United Kingdom or the United States is a not out on top," Kevin Steinberg, chief operating officer of the World Economic Forum USA, said in a report.

"While the Western financial centres are naturally focused on the challenges in the short term, this report should serve as a wake-up call that their leadership in the long term may be in danger," he added.

The report added that more than 90% of the country were not returned to the levels of the crisis of the pre-financial in terms of access to capital.

"The need to make the various forms of available capital will be essential for future growth and recovery,", said Isabella Reuttner, editor of the report, quotes, carried by the news agency France.

"The challenge will be how to encourage economic activity while feeding is not the next credit bubble, which could have serious consequences on the line.".

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